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We Write The Content

Just so you know, we (meaning me and a couple of other trusted people) write everything on this website.  Everything on this website is either written by me or very closely edited by me.

So why would I feel the need to write such a statement?  I get TONS of advertisements from website designers every day that claim to “custom-build” a website just for me.  What that means is that they have already built a website that is utterly stuffed with information (most of it is junk, or worse!!) and they want me to pay them lots of cash so that my practice will be the ONLY practice (in my zip code) to have such a top-notch, professional website, “guaranteed to drive patients to [my] door.”

I think that’s pretty bogus, and I challenge all of the other D.C.s out there to write their own content as well!  In latin, “doctor” means “teacher,” so LIVE UP to your degree!!

It’s important that I say this because my website will change within the next couple of months. I am working with two wonderful LOCAL companies to create a fresh, updated, and great-looking website for East End Chiropractic.  Those companies are Harkins Creative, and Blue Kite Marketing.  I just want to say before this new website goes live, that I will still write, or at least edit (they are better with words than I, so mostly edit),  all of the content of this site!  Even though it will look great, and have lots of great features, it will be unique!  It will still be a CUSTOM website in every sense of the term. It will neither be canned, nor will it be for sale!

John P. Olsen, D.C.

By on October 19th, 2010 | Tagged with: | 1 Comment