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Saying Goodbye to Marah

We have been so fortunate for the past 3 1/2 years to have Marah Harrington as our Office Manager at East End Chiropractic. She has done an incredible job of organizing every aspect of the policies and procedures of the office, and has been a great account manager for our patients.

Goodbye to Marah Harrington - Nashville TN - East End Chiro

While we are saddened that Marah is leaving us, we are excited for her and her husband, James, as they begin a new chapter of their lives in Tallahassee, Florida, where James will be completing graduate studies at Florida State University.

Stepping up to the Office Manager position will be our own “Awesome” Meghan Jones!  Meghan has been our Office Assistant since November, 2013, and has quickly become an indispensable asset to our clinic.

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