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Dr. Calabra Joins East End Chiropractic

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new doctor to our staff!

Dr. Lauren Calabra joins East End Chiropractic in Nashville TN

Lauren Calabra, DC, MS is a recent graduate of Logan University in St. Louis, MO, where she earned both a Doctorate of Chiropractic and a M.S. degree in Sports Science and Rehabilitation.  Prior to her graduate school training, she earned her B.S. in Kinesiology at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

Dr. Calabra’s specialty training will add an improved rehabilitative dimension to our clinic.

The overall theme of current musculoskeletal scientific research is that most musculoskeletal (muscular, bone, joint, and related nerve) problems respond best to a variety of treatment modalities, rather than just one.

Historically, there has been an unfortunate disconnect between chiropractors, who primarily use spine and joint manipulation (adjustive) techniques to treat dysfunctional joints in the spine and extremities, and practitioners who practice other physical rehabilitation modalities, including exercise therapy, neuromuscular re-education techniques,  functional stability training,  and myofascial release techniques.

Dr. Calabra is one of a very small number of practitioners who have undergone rigorous training in all of these treatment methods.  At East End Chiropractic, our standard has been to prescribe only the treatment necessary to get the patient well (no more, no less), and find the appropriate referral for patients we cannot effectively treat in our office.   With Dr. Calabra on our team, we offer a more comprehensive approach to treatment, and thus can exceed our previous standard, with less need to refer outside our clinic.

In addition to being a well-trained Chiropractic Physician, she is an accomplished athlete, primarily in the track and field sports.  Dr. Calabra and her husband, Ben, reside in downtown Nashville with their dog, Remi.

By John Olsen on May 19th, 2014 | Tagged with: Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Dr. Calabra Joins East End Chiropractic

April Showers Bring May Flowers!

Many of us will be seeing the “fruit” of our labor as new flowers and vegetables appear in our gardens.  We might also feel the fruit of our labor in our bodies.  Having back pain or joint pain can get in the way of enjoying this time of year.  It may be that you are new to gardening or have had your green thumb for a while. Either way, it is important to take care of yourself so you can better care for your plants.

April Showers Bring May Flowers! - Nashville TN - East End Chiro

Before a day in the garden, try the following warm ups to help prepare your body for the work it’s about to do:

  • While sitting, prop your heel on a stool or step. Keeping the knees straight, lean forward until you feel a stretch in the back of the thigh. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Stand up, balance yourself, and grab the front of your ankle from behind.  Pull your heel towards you buttocks and hold for 15 seconds.  Repeat with the other leg.
  • While standing, weave your fingers together above your head with your palms up.  Lean to one side for 10 seconds and then to the other.  Repeat 3 times.

If you are already feeling the aches and pains of working outdoors, there are ways to alleviate discomfort.  Apply an ice pack on the area of pain for the first 48 hours or apply a heat pack after 48 hours.  Then consider scheduling an appointment with us!

We want you to feel your best this May so you can enjoy your garden and stop to smell the flowers.

By John Olsen on May 1st, 2014 | Tagged with: Tags: , , | Comments Off on April Showers Bring May Flowers!

CASA Superhero 5K

Our staff and family members participated in the CASA Superhero 5K on Saturday, April 19th. Dr. John has been a long-time supporter of CASA so we were excited to find a fun and active way to support this great organization. Each of us went dressed as a Superhero. Batman, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Flash Gordon and Wolverine all ran to help support CASA of Wilson County. Race day came with beautiful weather and a slight breeze to help keep us cool as we ran through the Wilson County countryside. In less than an hour, we had all crossed the finish line with smiles on our faces.

By John Olsen on April 21st, 2014 | Tagged with: Tags: , , | Comments Off on CASA Superhero 5K

East End Chiropractic is Participating in the Wilson County CASA Superhero 5K

CASA Superhero 5K & 50 Yard Dash - Middle TN

The East End Chiropractic staff and family will be participating in the Wilson County CASA Superhero 5K on Saturday, April 19. Wilson Co. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) provides trained volunteers who advocate in court for the stability and healthy development of abused and neglected children.

Would you like to join our team? Dress as your favorite superhero and come run with us at the James E. Ward Agricultural Center in Lebanon, TN.

  • Start Time: 9:00AM
  • Registration is $25 for adults
  • Kids may participate in a 50 yard dash at no cost (signup day of)
  • Register at

Bring your whole family!

By John Olsen on March 21st, 2014 | Tagged with: Tags: , , | Comments Off on East End Chiropractic is Participating in the Wilson County CASA Superhero 5K

Run To Stay Fit!

Running for Good Health - Nashville TN - East End Chiropractic

During the month of March, our focus is on running. Anything worthwhile takes time, effort, and focus, and running is no different.  It takes dedication to make exercise a part of your lifestyle but the payoffs are exponential in terms of your health. Physical activity can reduce your risk of chronic disease, improve your balance and coordination, help you lose weight — even boost your self-esteem.

Here are some steps you can take to get started:

  • Check with your doctor before starting an exercise program, especially if you’re over 40 or have a family history of heart disease or other health problems.
  • Get good gear: Visit a local independent running store and have yourself fitted with the shoes that are right for your feet.  Invest in some running shorts, shirts and socks.  Stay away from 100% cotton as it tends to retain sweat.
  • Get a group together. You may find it easier to get out of bed and out the door if you know someone is waiting on you.
  • If you’re not regularly exercising and want to start running, your first steps should be spent walking. Give your body some time to get acclimated to the new demands put on it. Add in short bouts of running to your regular walks and gradually increase the time you spend running.

Read more…

By John Olsen on March 12th, 2014 | Tagged with: Tags: , , | Comments Off on Run To Stay Fit!

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953 Main Street, Suite 109
Nashville, TN 37206
Phone: 615-650-6533
Fax: 615-650-6541



8am-1pm & 3pm-6pm




8am-1pm & 3pm-6pm


8am-1pm & 3pm-6pm



Closed on Saturday and Sunday