New Office Manager – Here to Stay
Some embrace it, some resist it. After going through the five stages of grief when Meghan departed, East End Chiropractic has decided to embrace change. First we had Dr. John running around the office, doing it all. Then our friend Chris, the famous patient behind the desk, stepped in to help.
Next is where I come in. I am Katherine, the new office manager here at East End Chiropractic. Dr. John can now focus on what he does best – treating you – and Chris has returned to his position crafting tunes and sleeping late.
A little about me
I am a recent Tennessee transplant originally from Maine. I moved to Nashville in August 2015 with my husband, Wilson, and our two cats, Angus and Calvin. Prior to relocating I earned my degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Maine. While Wilson spends his days in graduate school at Vanderbilt, I have been coming to know and love Nashville. I worked a few odd jobs before finding myself here, comfortably sitting behind the desk at EEC (Dr. John picked a chair with excellent back support).
From this point forward I will be the voice on the phone, the scheduler of appointments, and the gal greeting you in the office. A certified queen of organization and lover of all things structured, I am ready to take on the challenge of navigating the ins and outs of EEC. I am refining my expertise in deciphering insurance benefits and in writing twitter posts, all to better serve you!
If you’d like to learn more about me, check out our MEET THE TEAM page on the website. Better yet, just ask! I love talking about food, things to do around Nashville, and how much cooler the summers are in Maine.
Thank you for understanding as the practice has gone through this period of adjustment. Change can be tough, but you have all taken it in strides!